
Did Your Childhood Trauma(Big or Small) Contribute to Your Chronic Symptoms?

What is considered childhood trauma? Childhood trauma is any event that happens during childhood that is real, or perceived as real, that is scary or upsetting to the child.  It can be a one-time event, or events that happen over days, months or years. Most of us understand that abuse is traumatizing, but we must also […]

Did Your Childhood Trauma(Big or Small) Contribute to Your Chronic Symptoms? Read More »

Empaths Often Have Chronic Symptoms For These Reasons

Are your symptoms chronic? Chronic health symptoms are symptoms that last over a long period of time and don’t go away with typical medical care.  Medications, surgeries, or rehabilitation help for brief periods, but the symptoms return.  Chronic health conditions include diagnosis such as, IBS, arthritis, back pain, joint pain, fibromyalgia, hypothyroidism, Crohn’s disease, eczema,

Empaths Often Have Chronic Symptoms For These Reasons Read More »

5 Consequences For People That Cross Your Boundaries Repeatedly

The thing is, you are sensitive. You really care about the people in your life. Negative energy really affects you strongly. It makes you exhausted, and it could even end up causing you unwanted health symptoms, like migraines, IBS, joint pain, and other aches and pains. You just can’t have someone like this in your life.

5 Consequences For People That Cross Your Boundaries Repeatedly Read More »

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