9 Of My Favorite Affirmations, and How To Make Them Work For You

Photo by LinkedIn Sales Navigator from Pexels 

What are affirmations?

Affirmations are statements that you say to yourself to help you alleviate stress, reduce anxious feelings, remind yourself of a trait you want to portray, or to reach a goal.  People from all walks of life use affirmations, but some may find they don’t seem to work for them.  I’ve found some ways to make them work for me, and I’ll teach you my strategies.  

How do you set affirmations that are believable and really work?

The key to setting affirmations that really work, is to say what you want to happen as if it is already happening.  Instead of, “I will be a millionaire in 3 years,” try “Money is flowing to me easily and in large amounts.”  Your mind may not be able to comprehend that you will ever be a millionaire, so even though you are repeating the affirmation that you will be a millionaire in three years, your subconscious mind thinks, “Yeah right.”  However, you can believe that money can begin flowing to you easier.  

Try this:

  • Create an affirmation in the present tense or as if it has already happened (I eat foods that nourish my body. I am proud that have run a half marathon.)
  • Make it positive-(No negative language, like won’t, can’t, should, etc.)
  • Make it specific to you (use I or my)
  • Make it something that pushes you a little (For example, you might believe you can make $100,000, but double that number to stretch your goal)
  • Write as if you are grateful for what you have or are receiving

Here are a few of my favorite affirmations:

-“I am healthy, strong, successful and happy.”

-“I am wealth.  I am abundance. I am joy.”

-“I expand in abundance, success and love every day as I inspire those around me to do the same.” -Gay Hendricks

-“I take inspired action daily and leave the how and unexpected miracles up to God.”

-“I am receiving the peaceful, harmonious treatment I deserve in my life.  I set boundaries, make reasonable requests, and make my expectations clear.” -Sandra Anne Taylor

-“Everything always works out for me.”


-“I release attachment and choose peace.  I am strong, free, and able to choose what honors me.” -Sandra Anne Taylor

-“Money flows easily, consistently and in large amounts to me.” -Tasha Chen

I can’t remember where I collected all of these affirmations from, but they have all resonated with me at some point and I still say them all.  

What is the best way to practice affirmations?

I have practiced affirmations in several ways.  I say some of them in the morning, during my morning routine.  I like to start my day inspired and on a positive note.  I have written out my affirmations daily in a notebook, written them on a flip book of notecards, and put them as calendar reminders on my phone.  I also repeat them when I’m feeling stressed or anxious.  I can’t tell you how often I say to myself, “Everything always works out for me.” or “Trust!”.  I instantly feel a sense of calm wash over me when I remind myself that a higher power is watching out for me.  

Affirmations can fast-track your goals if repeated on a regular basis.  Pick a few goals that are really important to you and write an affirmation for each.  Say your affirmations at the same time every day to get into the routine.  Try saying your affirmations when you brush your teeth, or while you’re in your car.  There are even apps that will remind you to say your affirmations!  Try the Thinkup or I Am app.  

I would love to hear your favorite affirmation!  Share in the comments!

If you are an empath with chronic health symptoms, looking for joy and peace in your life, join my Facebook group, Rebooting Health For Empaths to get the weekly intentions and a weekly live video on all things about empaths and their health.

To learn more about my coaching and programs, go here.



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