Scores between 14-20

If you scored between 14 and 20 points, you are definitely highly sensitive and your health is already suffering somewhat (Maybe even seriously).  You’ve probably been to a doctor and been prescribed medication or told that your symptoms were in your head.  Perhaps you were told there is no cure and you will have to address symptoms indefinitely.  You get really down on yourself and life sometimes. 

There are people around you that just don’t get you.  They may tell you to “suck it up” or “you’re too sensitive”.  You feel shame and unworthiness often.  Sometimes life can be so draining!

The good news is, that you can begin to control many, if not all of your symptoms.  You have gifts that are special.  You may not feel appreciated, but setting up healthy boundaries can help a lot.  Also, changing your thoughts about your worth, and choosing jobs and people in your inner circle that are supportive of your gifts can help you tremendously.  

You deserve a more peaceful life and others around you need your gifts of empathy and intuition!


Scores between 6-13


If you scored between 6 and 13 points, you are highly sensitive and you are probably starting to notice some symptoms of health issues.  You have probably tried a few things on your own, but you just have trouble staying accountable to yourself.  You may have been to the doctor about a few of your symptoms.  You were either diagnosed with something that requires medication or the doctor suggested lifestyle changes.  

You may have seen a therapist for some of your life struggles.  There are most likely some energy vampires in your life.  For the most part, you have a happy life, but you know it could be better.  You try really hard to make sure everyone in your life is happy.  When someone is unhappy or stressed, you take on their emotions and it is draining.

You just want to feel peace when you are at home with family and when you are with friends and coworkers.  Life is meant to be enjoyed and you have so many gifts of love and light to share with others.  It’s time to get back on track so you can share your gifts!


Scores between 0-5


You may be empathetic to the feelings of others, but you have some really good boundaries.  You don’t let the emotions of others get you down.  Of course, things aren’t always perfect in your life, but when life gets hard, you know how to get support from loved ones or practice self-care to feel better.  You know that putting yourself first sometimes is really important so that you can be energized enough to be there for your loved ones.  You rarely have health concerns.  You feel bad for the people that struggle with weight issues, migraines, or digestive health, but you don’t have those problems yourself.  You eat a healthy diet, get plenty of sleep and practice self-care daily.  Your job, family life and friendships are fulfilling.  In fact, you would even say your life is joyful!  

Show up and share your light with the rest of the world!  We need more people like you. 


My Immunity Reboot program may be just the thing you need to improve your health and happiness.  Check it out here.


Check out my Facebook Group, full of supportive highly sensitive women and empaths, for more information.

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