Empaths, Listen to Your Intuition and Trust the Messages

How do you know if you are intuitive?

I used to think that intuition was for those mystical people that could read someone’s mind and relay a message from their dear departed Aunt Sally.  Or maybe someone like Steve Jobs, who just knew what people wanted and how to create it out of nowhere.  
Over time, I’ve learned that we all have intuition.  It’s just that most of us have been programmed not to trust it.  Instead, we should “trust the experts”.  The problem comes when those “experts” all have differing opinions, or they offer you advice that fits their life and not yours.  
Of course, we all know that certain people know more than us in certain fields, but what we have to do is discern which advice fits and which doesn’t.  You can tune into your intuition, even if you have not listened to it for many years.

How do you learn to listen to your intuition?

There are really only a few steps to listen to your intuition.  Anyone can do it.  
First, sit in a quiet place and still your mind.  Take a few deep breaths.  Next, ask yourself a question that you’ve been wanting an answer to.  “Should I change jobs?”, “Is this the right time to move?” or “Is this the right relationship for me?”.  The question doesn’t even have to be something that heavy.  You can ask, “What dress should I wear?”, or “Which meal would feel good to me today?”.  
Then, listen for the answer in your mind.  For me, it comes super quickly.  Then my ego jumps in and says something like, “Oh that won’t work.”, or “That will make someone unhappy.  Maybe I should choose ____________ instead.”  
I’ve learned to trust that very first, quick thought.  That is usually the best option.  It is what my heart desires most.  Maybe that move won’t work out right now, or changing jobs is not feasible at the moment, but you can begin making steps toward what you truly desire.  
I saw Mel Robbins do an activity on her talk show once.  A guest couldn’t decide to move across country or not.  Mel handed her a quarter and told her to assign an option to heads and tails and then flip the coin.  Whatever it landed on was the choice the guest would make.  I’m sure she was thinking, “You want me to make a huge life decision by flipping a coin?”, but when she flipped the coin, Mel didn’t let her see it.  She asked her, “What did your heart choose as soon as you flipped that coin?  In your mind, you were hoping it would land on one side or another.”  I’m sure the guest had a choice, but she was worried about letting other people down, or she was scared to take the leap.  Those thoughts often get in the way of our decisions, especially if we are co-dependent or people pleasing empaths.  


Now comes the hard part, trusting the answers that come to you.  When you make a decision using your intuition, you have to trust that it is either the perfect, right thing, or it is the next step in learning what you need to learn to get to the perfect, right thing. 
Have you ever chosen a job that you hated, but you met a coworker that helped you get your perfect job?  Or, you dated a real jerk, but you learned what was non-negotiable in a relationship, and then you met your perfect person?
The thing that is great about trusting your own intuition, is that the decision was yours.  There is no one to blame, no one to resent.  You feel confident and comfortable.  Things feel easier.  

Let me know if you try it out and how it works for you!

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