

Confidence In Your Health

Confidence- A feeling of self-assurance arising from one’s appreciation of one’s own abilities or qualities.

I’ve struggled with confidence my whole life.  Sometimes I have amazing confidence and sometimes I have none at all.  The fact is, confidence is an ongoing battle for most of us.  That’s why there are over 200, 000 resources on Amazon!  

I’ve been working on confidence in my health for the last 10 years and I’ve put together a guide for you with some of the resources and tips I’ve found helpful.   Confidence in knowing that I have the power to heal my body really started my growth in confidence in all areas of my life.  I no longer feel helpless and at the mercy of other people that I thought were smarter than me and therefore knew what is best for me.  As my confidence has grown, I’m not so dependent on what other people think of me, either.  

My Guide to Confidence in Health will give you:

  • Inspirational books to read
  • Podcast recommendations for daily encouragement
  • My Get Focused morning routine
  • Confidence tips for working with your doctors

If you’ve struggled with confidence in any area of your life, this guide will get you started on looking and feeling more confident every day.

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